With Mary’s help, the McNews are busy building Armor of God Radio
When Anne Marie and Tom McNew asked the Blessed Virgin Mary if they should pursue their dream of a Catholic radio station in Central Texas, she responded “Yes, stop asking me and get busy!” she said in a “drill sergeant tone.” And busy they have been ever since.
When Anne Marie and Tom McNew asked the Blessed Virgin Mary if they should pursue their dream of a Catholic radio station in Central Texas, she responded “Yes, stop asking me and get busy!” she said in a “drill sergeant tone.” And busy they have been ever since.
In 2017, after relocating from the nation’s capital to Copperas Cove, the McNews made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. While praying separately at St. Anne’s Church in Jerusalem, she was in the lower church in the basement, and he was in the upstairs chapel. They asked the Virgin Mary whether to move forward with their dream of starting a radio station. “I was praying and asking our Blessed Mother to guide me, to tell me if this is what I want or what God wants,” Anne Marie recalled. That’s when she heard Mary say, “Yes, stop asking me and get busy.” When she met up with Tom, he had had a similar experience in the upper church.
Upon their return, they did as the Blessed Mother had directed, and today, their Catholic radio station is a growing apostolate. This growth is a testament to their hard work and the community's unwavering support. They have expanded from serving 14 parishes in the Killeen-Lampasas axis to reaching 34 parishes.
The name “Armor of God” was chosen to reflect the station's mission of providing spiritual protection and guidance through its programming. Armor of God’s FM radio station, KOOV 106.9, was McNews’ first effort in communications media. The station recently expanded by acquiring two other stations: AM 1330 and FM 93.9. The acquisitions cost $430,000, but thanks to support from listeners and donors, they only had to finance $275,000. They hope to retire this debt and the remaining one from their initial investment by 2026.
They will be able to accomplish this through the help of a supportive community. After the station's start, the McNews incorporated Armor of God Radio into a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, and the FCC classifies it as a Non-Commercial Educational entity. A five-member board of directors governs the radio station. It includes Robin Spencer, president; Paul Derosa, vice president; Anne Marie McNew, treasurer; Father Augustine Ariwaodo, spiritual director; and Tom McNew,executive director. The position of secretary is currently vacant.
The board is looking to expand its membership. Recognizing that the station needs to look toward the future, the board is focused on recruiting younger volunteers to carry on the station's important work of evangelization.
The EWTN Catholic Radio Network provides 80% of the station’s airtime. The Institute of Catholic Culture, Archdiocese for the Military Services, David Bright Radio, and 40 Days for Life fill 10% of air time.
The remaining 10% of the station's content comes from locally produced content highlighting local topics and featuring area talent. In the past, Armor of God Radio has provided programming for inmates in the state prison system, military personnel at area bases, and other local initiatives, fostering a sense of community and connection.
In January, the station launched a couple of new half-hour weekly programs. One runs at noon on Fridays and features Catholic schools. Father Harry Dean, the chaplain at Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center, will serve as moderator, featuring Father Will Rooney, pastor of St. Mary in Temple, and Father Timothy Nolt, pastor of St. Joseph in Killeen, as panelists. The show, Father Dean said, will feature all facets of Catholic education, including students, parents, staff and school spirit.
Father John Guzaldo, pastor of St. Luke in Temple, hosts the second new program. Tagged as “What Would Father Say,” it will feature talks on the Ten Commandments and other issues of interest to the station’s listeners. Father Guzaldo said Armor of God has been well received in the Catholic community because it broadcasts items of local interest, such as live feeds from parish festivals.
“Listening to Catholic Radio lets everyday Catholics, who aren't necessarily volunteers at the church, part of the parish council or part of activities happening at the church, know that they are part of a bigger family,” Board President Spence said.
Visit Armor of God Radio's website at armorofgodradio.com for more information.
Alfredo E. Cárdenas began as a freelance writer for the Catholic Spirit in 2000, writing histories of parishes. In 2010, he was named editor of the South Texas Catholic, a publication of the Corpus Christi Diocese. Upon his retirement in 2017, he returned to Austin, where he resumed writing for the Catholic Spirit.