Faith in Central Texas
Sara Ramirez directs CCCTX for 11 years and counting
“I came into the Catholic Church because of Catholic Charities,” said Sara Ramirez, the director of Catholic Charities of Central Texas.
Blessed are the poor in spirit
Our next topic is the Option for the Poor and Vulnerable. Let’s start by defining who are the poor and vulnerable?
Bienaventurados los pobres de espíritu
La Opción por los Pobres y Vulnerables. Comencemos definiendo ¿quiénes son los pobres y vulnerables?
Campus ministers learn about accompaniment
St. Mary Catholic Center in College Station hosted CALLED24, a national conference put on by the CCMA.
Our Catholic schools are ‘Made for Greatness’
Living our faith
82-year-old finds a happy home in Catholicism
The Easter Vigil was especially meaningful this year to Barbara Jones, an 82-year-old grandmother, married 61 years, and Texas DPS employee living in Leander.
How are we walking with the poor and vulnerable?
A parishioner texted me for help. Her car had died in the parking lot of the fast-food restaurant where she had just finished her late-night shift.
Deacons are called to serve
The bishop as the successor to the apostles carries out these three ministries of liturgy.
Los diáconos están llamados a servir
El obispo como el sucesor de los apóstoles lleva a cabo estos tres ministerios de liturgia.
Home cooking from Grandma’s kitchen
Faith in Our World
Esperanza: An Exercise in Hope
Parishioners of St. Austin Parish in Austin came up with a proposal for artwork to go on the exterior of their under-construction administrative and school building.
Discerning our spiritual gifts
God created each of us as unique, according to his purposes, and gives each of us individual talents.
Prayer and the challenges to responding well
Prayer is a gift of God’s grace to us. It is not something we merit. Consequently, prayer calls for our response.
Food for the journey
We follow in Jesus’ footsteps by nourishing ourselves with Scripture and the Eucharist. And we fortify our bodies with our daily bread.