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 | By Shelley Metcalf

Practicing a little active silence

Lately, I have been enjoying some quiet time, but not in the way most would think. For years, I have worked out with either music or an audiobook playing in my ear. However, lately I have been leaving my earbuds at home and enjoying some quiet time as I walk the dogs through our neighborhood.

Granted, my walks are not noiseless — there are still cars whizzing by, horns honking, trains in the distance, dogs barking and lots of other sounds — but in my head, it’s pretty quiet. And the more I do it, the calmer my brain gets and the calmer I come home from my walks.

Maybe it’s the fresh air. Maybe it’s the cooler temperatures (this summer was crazy hot). Whatever it is, I am immensely enjoying this active silence. It gives me a chance to reconnect with myself, center my thoughts and pray a few Hail Marys.

I have a feeling as the holidays set in, I am going to need this active silence more than ever. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

Shelley Metcalf has worked on the Catholic Spirit staff since 1997; she was named editor in 2007. She is a parishioner of St. Margaret Mary Parish in Cedar Park.