Saying ‘yes’ to God each day
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The romantic montage video I’d spent weeks preparing ended, and I knew the big moment had come. I was standing on the basketball court in Finnegan Fieldhouse on the campus of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and I had a very important question to ask the beautiful woman in front of me: “Caitlin Erin Donovan, will you marry me?” She jumped into my arms (initially forgetting to say yes!), and we walked outside to dozens of people ready to celebrate our new engagement. Cait’s “yes” that day wasn’t the first time she agreed to be in a relationship with me, but it marked a change which was solidified on our wedding day, and faithfully protected now for more than 13 years!
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The romantic montage video I’d spent weeks preparing ended, and I knew the big moment had come. I was standing on the basketball court in Finnegan Fieldhouse on the campus of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and I had a very important question to ask the beautiful woman in front of me: “Caitlin Erin Donovan, will you marry me?” She jumped into my arms (initially forgetting to say yes!), and we walked outside to dozens of people ready to celebrate our new engagement. Cait’s “yes” that day wasn’t the first time she agreed to be in a relationship with me, but it marked a change which was solidified on our wedding day, and faithfully protected now for more than 13 years!
It’s impossible to fully measure the costs and benefits of massive life decisions without the benefit of hindsight. Eventually, we look back and acknowledge all the joys and sorrows that flow from our decisions. Sometimes, this reality threatens our willingness to make difficult decisions out of fear of the unknown. Even our Blessed Mother Mary couldn’t fully fathom all of what Gabriel’s invitation to be the Mother of God would entail. A decision – far more monumental than any we will ever face – was placed before her, and she said “yes” to God’s will. Her fiat was born from her lifelong fidelity to God, and she remained strong and fruitful because of her ongoing willingness to obey and to rely on God’s grace.
Mary’s enduring faithfulness represents both a challenge and an inspiration to all of us who long to follow Jesus. We are not called to periodic obedience, but to a daily and often hidden consent to whatever God asks of us. The big moments in life might receive the most attention, but an analysis of every good marriage, family, business and community reveals day-to-day actions of love, virtue, kindness and positive communication.
Mary answered “yes” to Gabriel’s invitation, and then needed to recommit to that decision every day. We are called to do the same! Sometimes it’s easy to live in harmony with our previous decisions and vows, and sometimes it’s more difficult, but there is always grace and power available to do the right thing. God never forgets his promises or reneges on his covenants.
Jesus constantly invites us to follow him, and remember: You can’t say yes all the time until you say yes once. Cait said yes on a slightly smelly basketball court; Mary in a humble home in Nazareth. Where is God encountering you today and what is your response to his invitation?
Pete Burak is the director of i.d.9:16, the young adult outreach of Renewal Ministries. He has a master’s degree in theology and is a frequent speaker on evangelization and discipleship.