Highlights from Bishop Vásquez’ 15 years in the Diocese of Austin
2010: Bishop Vásquez is appointed and installed as the fifth bishop of Austin; the first Hispanic to lead the Diocese of Austin.
2012: Catholic hospital, Seton Medical Center Harker Heights, opens in Bell County.
2013: Austin hosts annual national Black Catholic Men’s Conference.
2014: Austin’s Marian Shrine of Our Lady of Schoenstatt is dedicated and opens to visitors.
2015: Bishop Vásquez unveils the diocesan Pastoral Plan: Encounter that Leads to Transformation.
2015: Father Daniel Garcia is appointed Diocese of Austin’s first Auxiliary Bishop, a sign of significant growth in Austin.
2016: Five hundred gather for the diocese's first Catholic women’s conference titled “The Face of Mercy.”
2017: Bishop Vásquez blesses the newly constructed facilities of San Juan Diego Catholic High School in Austin.
2018-2020: Encountering Christ Campaign (ECC), a capital and endowment initiative, raises $85 million in gifts and pledges to strengthen parishes and ministries in Central Texas.
2020: Bishop Vásquez blesses the newly expanded St. John Paul II Residence for Priests in Georgetown.
2020: Church of the Visitation in Westphalia breaks ground on new sanctuary after tragic fire in 2019.
2020: All public Masses are suspended due to COVID-19 pandemic on March 17. Masses resume on April 30, 2020, with masks and social distancing.
2021: The temporary dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass is lifted on Pentecost Sunday as COVID vaccines are released.
2021: Funded through ECC, Bishop Vásquez breaks ground and construction begins on three new churches on Austin’s eastern side.
2022: Bishop Vásquez invites the faithful to participate in the diocesan phase of the 2023 assembly of the Synod of Bishops.
2022: Bishop Vásquez leads Eucharistic procession through the streets of Austin. From the hilltop at St. Edward’s, he extends his blessing to the entire Diocese of Austin.
2022: Bishop Vásquez launches the celebration of the Diocese of Austin’s 75th anniversary.
2023: Bishop blesses the newly constructed sanctuaries of St. Joseph in Manor, San Francisco Javier in Austin and Santa Barbara in Austin along with the Church of the Visitation in Westphalia and St. Mary Catholic Center in College Station and the renovated sanctuary of San José Parish in Austin.
2023: Bishop Vásquez closes the 75th anniversary of the Diocese of Austin with a Mass of Thanksgiving, which included Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, 13 bishops, over 175 priests, deacons and religious and 800 faithful.
2023: Bishop Vásquez is appointed Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Tyler in November.
2024: Bishop Vásquez blesses the newly constructed chapel at Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center in Temple and breaks ground on new sanctuaries for St. Paul Parish in Austin and Sacred Heart Parish in Elgin.
2024: Called By Name Sunday, an initiative of the Vocations Office of the diocese, generates over 900 names, resulting in a total of 60 seminarians, one of the highest numbers in the history of the diocese.
2024: Bishop Vásquez and 275 pilgrims from the Diocese of Austin attend the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis.
2024: Seminarian Appeal generates more than $1 million as the faithful of the diocese recognize the need to support the growing number of seminarians.
2024: New Catholic campus ministry program launches at Austin Community College (ACC).
2025: Central Texas Catholic is launched to connect Catholic young adults across Central Texas: centraltexascatholic.org.
2025: The 2024-2025 Catholic Services Appeal, the annual diocesan appeal, sees its strongest start ever with $7.1 million pledged.