Praying for our young adults
In this month’s interview, Bishop Joe Vásquez talks about the diocese’s young adult initiative. Our bishop is very invested in our youth and young adults, which excites me as the mother of a 20-year-old and 17-year-old. Over the years, I have worked hard to keep my kids connected to the church. However, when my oldest turned 18, I realized his connection to the church was no longer under my control. He is his own, very independent person for sure, but I know that he knows God and he has a relationship with him.
Just this week, we had a conversation about the new priests at our parish as we were driving by the church on our way to do some shopping. My daughter said, “We have really good priests.” I grinned and said, “Yes, we do.” And I swear we could hear my son’s eyes rolling to the back of his head as he sat in the back seat.
But that didn’t stop my daughter from asking him, “Why don’t you come to Mass with us and meet them?” He just laughed and changed the subject. So typical!
Initially looking back on that conversation, I kicked myself for not pushing him a little harder. But I know my kid, and pushing him would not have gotten us anywhere. Instead I will continue to pray for him and continue to work on my own relationship with God. Meanwhile, we won’t stop inviting him to join us at Mass, no matter how far his eyes roll back in his head each time we do!
Blessed Carlo Acutis, pray for us.
Shelley Metcalf has worked on the Catholic Spirit staff since 1997; she was named editor in 2007. She is a parishioner of St. Margaret Mary Parish in Cedar Park.