Reaction to Supreme Court decision
Bishop Joe Vásquez of the Diocese of Austin said he is grateful for the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States to overturn Roe v. Wade.
“While this decision places the issue of whether to permit elective abortions before each state legislature and does not prohibit abortion across the country, it is a major step in helping to save lives by protecting children in the womb,” Bishop Vásquez said.
He said the church remains committed to protecting human life from conception until natural death.
“We remain committed and will not waiver in accompanying mothers who face unplanned pregnancies,” the bishop said.
If you or someone you know is facing an unplanned pregnancy, there are many organizations and resources available to mothers and fathers including:
- The St. Gabriel Pregnancy and Parenting Program
- Project Rachel – Post Abortion Healing
- St. John Paul II Life Center – Catholic Pregnancy Center
- Annunciation Maternity Home – Shelter for young women in crisis pregnancy
- Our Lady of the Angels Maternity Shelter – Shelter for young women in crisis pregnancy