August is National Make-A-Will Month
As the dog days of summer begin to dwindle and we start planning for our fall activities (and the early return of our favorite fall coffee flavors), it’s a great opportunity to take some time to plan for our family’s future as well. August is National Make-A-Will Month. No matter where we are in our life journey, it’s never too early to start planning, so if you have not created a will yet, perhaps this is a good time to begin the process or update an existing will.
As the dog days of summer begin to dwindle and we start planning for our fall activities (and the early return of our favorite fall coffee flavors), it’s a great opportunity to take some time to plan for our family’s future as well. August is National Make-A-Will Month. No matter where we are in our life journey, it’s never too early to start planning, so if you have not created a will yet, perhaps this is a good time to begin the process or update an existing will.
Here are a few reasons why we should consider creating our wills this August:
Creating a will and estate plan allows us to communicate important financial and healthcare decisions, so we are prepared for whatever the future may hold.
Peace of mind
Wills enable us to provide for the family members, friends, and communities we love, so they can continue to be supported, no matter what.
If we have been blessed with resources to share, making a will allows us to support the causes that matter to us the most well into the future — like the Diocese of Austin, our parish, a Catholic school, or our favorite ministry.
Where do we begin? Our loved ones are the first people to consider when creating a will. Then, think about the charities or causes that hold a special place in our heart or that have served us and our family over the course of our lifetime — like the Diocese of Austin, our parish, a Catholic school, or our favorite ministry. When the Diocese of Austin or one of our Catholic ministries is names in our will, our thoughtful planning helps continue the mission of Christ for years to come and inspires others to follow in our legacy of faith.
Finally, as Christian stewards we recognize that everything we have, everything we are and will become is a gift from God. Creating a will allows us to provide for our loved ones, steward our blessings, and create a legacy that honors our faith for many years into the future.
The Diocese of Austin has partnered with FreeWill so that the faithful can create a will for free this National Make-a-Will Month. This resource allows us to plan for our future while providing peace of mind for ourselves and those we care about. To create or update your will visit freewill.com/austindiocese.
The Diocese of Austin is grateful for all who support the mission of faith and discipleship in Central Texas! May knowing your legacy is secure bring you peace.
For more information about planned giving in the Diocese of Austin, contact Dan Wierzbowski at dan-wierzbowski@austindiocese.org or visit austindiocese.myplannedgift.org.
The information in this article is not intended to provide legal or tax advice. As always, please contact your attorney or tax advisor for such advice.
Dan Wierzbowski is the associate director of planned giving for the Diocese of Austin. He is a parishioner of St. Albert the Great Parish in Austin.