Bishop Vásquez asks all to pray in preparation for Jubilee 2025
Pope Francis has officially proclaimed 2025 as a Jubilee year for the Catholic Church.
Pope Francis has officially proclaimed 2025 as a Jubilee year for the Catholic Church.
The theme for the Jubilee is Pilgrims of Hope.
In a world marked by war, divisions, environmental destruction and economic challenges, hope can seem hard to come by, the Holy Father said. But “Christian hope does not deceive or disappoint because it is grounded in the certainty that nothing and no one may ever separate us from God's love,” he said.
In a message to the faithful, Bishop Joe Vásquez said the Jubilee Year is a time of great spiritual, ecclesial and social significance in the life of Christ.
“It will be a time to pray for a world suffering the impacts of war, poverty, hunger, and the climate crisis,” Bishop Vásquez said.
The Jubilee Year will begin with the opening of the Holy Doors of St. Peter’s Basilica on Christmas Eve of this year. The Holy Door will close on the feast of the Epiphany, Jan. 6, 2026.
The Vatican is expecting millions to travel to Rome in celebration of the Jubilee. During the Jubilee, Catholics who pilgrimage to Rome and enter the Holy Doors or those who undertake a work of mercy or an act of penance, may receive a plenary indulgence if they also go to confession, receive Communion, and pray for the intentions of the pope.
In these months leading up to the Year of Jubilee, Bishop Joe Vásquez is asking the faithful to spend time with the Lord in daily prayer.
“Let us offer prayers in thanksgiving for what the Lord has done for us – and the gifts he has yet to impart -- for our own personal intentions, for the intentions of our families, friends, and coworkers; and especially prayers for our wounded world as it is only through Christ that we find solace through his redeeming love,” the bishop said in a video released in May.
The Diocese of Austin has created a book of Catholic prayers as well as other resources to help the faithful make prayer a part of their daily routines. Visit www.austindiocese.org/jubilee-2025 for more information.