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 | By Deacon Barry Ryan | Guest Columnist

Deacons encounter Christ in the world

In the early days of the church, the original apostles recognized the need to reach out to certain widows who were yearning for the Word and daily distribution of food. Seven ordinary men, who were filled with the Spirit and wisdom, were selected from within the community and presented to the apostles. Through prayer and laying on of hands, those first deacons were sent forth, committed to bringing the Word and food into their community. A modern-day deacon’s service in proclaiming the Gospel and administering the Eucharist continues the apostolic tradition of bringing Christ to those who thirst for his loving presence in their lives. Below, three deacons ordained in 2022 reflect on their first three years of service in diaconal ministry.


Deacon Timothy Daheim serves at St. Luke Parish in Temple. “The last three years have been a sacred journey of transformation, marked by grace, growth and surrender. Being ordained a deacon was a moment of profound encounter with Christ the servant, forever shaping my heart and soul. This sacred calling has drawn me into deeper union with God, empowering me to proclaim the Gospel, bless his people, and intercede for the world. Surrendering to his will has renewed my spirit, enriched my family life, and awakened a deeper love for the poor and vulnerable. In trusting him fully, I have discovered the profound freedom and joy of serving with humility and love,” he said.

Deacon Oscar Moreno serves at St. Stephen Parish in Salado. “For me, being a deacon means being available to serve when and where God calls me to serve his people. Like most deacons, I have served on the altar providing a homily monthly. Additionally, I speak to a variety of groups on religious topics, teach baptismal classes and celebrate baptisms, take the Eucharist to the homebound, assist couples seeking annulments and mentor diaconal candidates. Many times, I am asked to pray with individuals or just listen and be present for someone in need. It has been an honor to provide for individuals and their families at the end of life and to assist with funeral Masses,” he said.

Deacon Richard Tucker serves at St. Ignatius Martyr Parish in Austin. “I was not raised in any particular faith tradition, just generic “Christian,” and all my life I wondered what I was missing. After entering the church, getting involved in ministry and then receiving the call to the diaconate with great support from my wife, Cindy, ordination has been for me the culmination of my lifelong desire to be close to Christ. I am very fortunate to also be the director of our local food pantry and to be able to minister to hundreds of families who experience food insecurity and hunger. I am blessed to have one foot on the altar, serving and preaching frequently at Mass, and one foot in the pews, serving our neighbors in need. God has placed me close to his people as well as to his Son and has changed my life forever!” he said.

The Diocese of Austin Diaconal Ministry Office is now accepting applications for the next cohort to enter diaconate formation.

More information on discerning God's call to the diaconate, including the basic requirements for admission and the application can be found on the diocesan website at Applications will be accepted until April 30.

Deacon Barry Ryan serves as the director of Diaconal Ministry for the Diocese of Austin. He can be reached at or (512) 949-2410.

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