JPII Life Center offers care, compassion to moms in need
Located in the heart of the Austin medical district, the John Paul II Life Center is an award-winning pregnancy and family resource center that offers medical services from full-time OB/GYNs, parenting classes, and maternity items all at no cost and with the goal of empowering women to choose life by offering them care and compassion.
Located in the heart of the Austin medical district, the John Paul II Life Center is an award-winning pregnancy and family resource center that offers medical services from full-time OB/GYNs, parenting classes, and maternity items all at no cost and with the goal of empowering women to choose life by offering them care and compassion.
Voices for life
It all started back in April 2005 when a devoted team consisting of Co-Founder Tim Von Dohlen, Sheri and Chris Danze, and others worked together to be voices for life in the Diocese of Austin. Doors opened in 2010, and today the Center is a thriving pro-life crisis pregnancy resource serving a growing need.
“When a woman of childbearing age comes in, most often she is distraught, feeling totally alone, and thinking there is no way out but abortion,” Von Dohlen said. “Each of these women is met with love, respect, and dignity. She is also listened to, maybe for the first time in her life.”
That’s where JPII Center physicians and client advocates come in. Pregnancy tests and sonograms are conducted; the center finds that 97% of women who see their baby on a sonogram choose life for their child. Client advocates help them understand they are not alone, provide information and assistance to each client, and walk with them throughout their pregnancy and into motherhood.
Services offered
Through the innovative A Glimpse Inside program, clients and families can learn more about the miracle of pregnancy. It offers a rare opportunity to see a physician-led live sonogram of a baby inside a mother’s womb and learn the stages of fetal development, see and hear a baby’s heartbeat, and witness the reality of life in the womb. The center also offers the Blossom program, which provides mothers of adolescent girls the tools they need to talk to their daughters about puberty, fertility and sexuality. It is a unique opportunity for mothers to bond with their daughters.
Much of this is offered through the Vitae Clinic, which provides state-of-the-art OB/GYN health care in-house. Throughout the process, a client is given the information she needs to make a fully informed choice in a judgment-free environment. When she chooses life, she knows she will be cared for throughout her pregnancy, delivery and after the baby is born for up to three years. The center will also walk with and care for a woman who chooses life but decides adoption is the best choice for her. The goal is to provide emotional and financial stability and a safe and healthy pregnancy that enables both mom and baby to thrive.
Additional services are offered in places like the Center’s Giana’s Closet, where mothers can get diapers, wipes, clothing, car seats and other necessities free of charge. The center also offers educational programs not only for the expectant mother but for her husband or significant other and extended family members on topics like creating a budget, birthing, lactation and other subjects. The center has an on-site chapel where individuals can find spiritual comfort in a prayerful environment.
Over the last two years, the center has helped nearly 70 families avoid eviction by providing help with rent, utilities and transportation. The center also provides the services of a psychiatrist who specializes in women’s mental health and a physical therapist. The center has also expanded its resource center.
Life-giving generosity
Primarily funded by individual donations and in-kind support, the center is grateful for the backing of so many.
“Ongoing generosity is crucial to sustain and grow key programs,” said Alex Till, the center’s marketing director. “Together, lasting change can be created, providing a brighter and more stable future for those served.
Continued support truly makes a difference and is deeply appreciated.”
One way people can help is through the Circle of Life Giving Society. Founded in 2012 by Judy and Dick Ames, the program is a community of dedicated individuals committed to making a lasting difference in the lives of those the center serves. This monthly donor program allows the center to plan, grow and implement long-term programs that lead to lasting change and financial stability.
Judy Ames is passionate about giving their clients a voice and hope.
“Women who come to us are in crisis and they think the only solution is abortion,” she said. “We listen to them and help them see their God-given worth. We want them to know they have worth.”
One client recently thanked the center for saving her baby several years ago.
“Thank you for saving my baby.… He's in sixth grade now, and there is truly no greater gift than being his mom. I also know if you hadn't been there that day to save him, I wouldn't have had my second son. Every day I am truly grateful,” she said.
Catholic values
Thanks to all donors and supporters of the center, since 2011 more than 2,300 babies have been saved, more than 1.5 million materials have been distributed, more than 7,400 mothers have been helped, and more than 500,000 people have been educated. Women served come from all walks of life with most being low income, and any person who is pregnant or has a child under the age of 3 are offered free services and non-judgmental care centered around Catholic teaching, Till said.
“Our Catholic faith is the cornerstone of the center’s mission and services and guides everything we do,” she said.
Von Dohlen echoed this and said the center’s namesake is a reminder of its foundation and its mission.
“We’re providing life-affirming health care and are guided by the admonition of St. Paull II when he said, ‘America you are beautiful and blessed and your very future as a nation depends on your willingness to protect the right to life of the most defenseless in your society. It is the duty of every man to uphold the dignity of every woman. As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live.’”
As the need for services like those the center offers continues to grow, staff members and supporters remain focused and confident.
“As the St. John Paul II Life Center moves ahead each year, we see God’s guidance and we are committed to making a difference in the greater Austin area, all of Texas, and across America one woman, one life, one family at a time.”
All are invited to take a tour, volunteer, provide material assistance or make a financial contribution by visiting www.jpiilifecenter.org or calling (512) 407-2900.
Carla Smith has written for the Catholic Spirit since 2016. A long-time Austinite, she and her husband are members of Santa Rosa Parish in Andice. They enjoy spending time with their daughter and their three dogs, as well as fellowship, golf and football.