Celebrating our faith - December/January
DEC. 7: The diocesan celebration in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe will begin at 8 a.m. at St. Mary Cathedral in Austin. Participants will process from the Cathedral to San José Parish, where Mass will be celebrated at 10:30 a.m.
Details online: austindiocese.org/olg-celebration.
DEC. 7: The Altar & Rosary Society of St. Joseph Parish in Killeen will host the annual Christmas Bazaar from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the parish hall. Various committees and vendors will sell crafts, including Christmas décor, baked goods and gifts.
DEC. 7: St. John Neumann Parish in Austin hosts a Mass for Vocations followed by a Holy Hour for Vocations at 8:45 a.m. on the first Saturday of each month.
DEC. 7: St. Mary Church of the Assumption in Waco hosts a Mass and Holy Hour for Vocations on the first Saturday of each month at 9 a.m.
DEC. 7: A Filipino Mass is celebrated on the first Saturday of the month at 4 p.m. at St. Peter the Apostle Parish in Austin. Fellowship follows right after the Mass at the Parish Activity Center.
DEC. 7-8: The special collection for Retired Clergy and Retired Religious will be taken up in parishes in the diocese. Gifts to this collection help provide housing, medications, nursing care and more for retired priests and religious brothers and sisters.
DEC. 9: Because Dec. 8 falls on a Sunday, the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception has been transferred to Dec. 9; however, the obligation to attend Mass has been dispensed.
DEC. 11: An Advent Day Retreat will be presented at Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center in Temple. Beverly Collin will lead this retreat day reflecting on her walk of 118 miles along a portion of the Camino de Santiago in Spain. The cost is $45, which includes lunch.
Details: online at austindiocese.org/cedarbrake or call (254) 780-2436.
DEC. 14: Retiro de Adviento a Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center en Temple. El Adviento es un tiempo que nos recuerda que Cristo está cerca, y también un tiempo que nos recuerda que Cristo siempre viene. El retiro será dirigido por la Madre Olga Estrella y la Hermana Lucero Espitia, DJ. El costo es de $40 por persona, incluye almuerzo.
DEC. 14-15: Joyful Expectation, a women's Advent retreat for all 18 and older, will be offered at Eagle's Wings Retreat Center in Burnet. During the busy holiday season, this overnight retreat Will include talks by Megan Copeland and music to help participants rediscover the joy of waiting during the Advent season.
Details online: ewrc.org/joyful-expectation.
DEC. 18-20: Heart of Jesus, a retreat designed for young men ages 18 to 49, will be offered by the diocesan Vocations Office. Time will be spent at Mass and in prayer and adoration. The cost of the retreat is $35.
Register at austinvocations.com.
DEC. 23-JAN. 2: Diocesan offices will be closed for the Christmas holidays.
DEC. 25: The feast of the Nativity of the Lord, a holy day of obligation.
Jan. 1: The solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, a holy day of obligation.
JAN. 4: Father Kevin Rai leads Marian Mornings on first Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon at St. Elizabeth Parish in Pflugerville. The morning includes Mass, a teaching, prayer time, silence and time for the sacrament of reconciliation.
JAN. 10-11: Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center in Temple will offer a Creative Art Prayer Retreat. Mara Johnson, a parishioner of Emmaus Parish in Lakeway and owner of Moon Bird Arts, will lead participants as they explore prayers of the heart that serve to deepen intimacy with Christ.
Details: online at austindiocese.org/cedarbrake or call (254) 780-2436.
JAN. 11: The annual Saints & Scholars Gala will be held at the Hyatt Regency in Austin. This event honors the unsung heroes of Catholic education in Central Texas and raises crucial funds for tuition assistance in our Catholic schools. This year’s keynote is Julianne Stanz, an international Catholic speaker, author and retreat leader.
Details online: csdatx.org/2025gala.
JAN. 18: The Diocese of Austin will host a commemoration of the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at St. Thomas More Parish in Austin. The day will begin at 11 a.m. with a prayer service led by Bishop Joe Vásquez.
Details: email Yamilet Muñoz at yamilet-munoz@austindiocese.org.
JAN. 18-20: TEC (Together Encounter Christ), a retreat for young adults, is a weekend of prayer, reflections/talks, group discussions, personal reflections, recreation, live music and activities.
Call Eagle's Wings Retreat Center at (512) 715-0017 for registration.
JAN. 18: Join people from throughout the diocese for 33 days of preparation prayer for Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary. The prayers begin on Feb. 20 and are done privately using a preparation book.
Visit www.TexasToJesusThroughMary.org by Jan. 18 to receive a free copy of the Montfort preparation prayer book, which will be mailed to you.
JAN. 19: Holy Qurbono (Mass) in the Syro-Malankara Catholic Rite is celebrated at 3:30 p.m. on the third Sunday of each month at the chapel of St. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish in Pflugerville.
JAN. 20: Diocesan offices will be closed for Martin Luther King Day.
JAN. 20: Women are invited to Restored — Connecting with God and Each Other Retreat from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at St. John Neumann Parish in Austin. Karen May will lead this retreat as participants seek to uncover peace, joy and love amid a busy life.
Register online: sjnaustin.org/womens-retreat.
JAN. 25: Masses for Life will be celebrated at San José Parish, St. Louis Parish and the University Catholic Center in Austin to kickoff Texas Catholic Pro-Life Day.
Details online: austindiocese.org/texas-catholic-pro-life-day.
JAN. 25: Hosted by the Austin Community of Discalced Carmelite Seculars (OCDS), a presentation on The Foundations of a Fruitful Prayer Life based on The Way of Perfection by St. Teresa of Avila, will be offered Jan. 25, beginning with Mass at 8:45 a.m. at St. Thomas More Parish in Austin.
Details online: austincarmelites.com.
JAN. 31-FEB. 2: The annual Diocesan Catholic Youth Conference will be held at the Waco Convention Center. Teens are encouraged to ask their parish youth minister for more information.
FEB. 2-6: The all-new Year B Interactive Eucharistic Miracle Exhibit will be offered at St. William Parish in Round Rock. Visitors will be treated to an exhibit of Eucharistic miracles from all over the world.
Details online: st-william.org/eucharistic-miracles-exhibit.
Email entries to Celebrating our Faith to catholic-spirit@austindiocese.org.
For more events in the diocese, visit austindiocese.org/calendar.