
Celebrating Our Faith - March 2025


March 5: Ash Wednesday, Lent begins.

March 5: Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center in Temple will host an Ash Wednesday retreat featuring Karen May. Mass with the distribution of ashes will be part of the day. The cost is $50, including lunch. 

Details online at austindiocese.org/cedarbrake or call (254) 780-2436.

March 5: A special collection for World and Home Missions will be taken up in all parishes on Ash Wednesday. This combined collection will benefit areas in the church that are greatest in need in Latin America, Black and Native American Home Missions, Catholic Home Missions, Africa, and Central and Eastern Europe.

March 8: Bishop Joe Vásquez will celebrate the Rite of Election at St. Margaret Mary Parish in Cedar Park. 

Details online at austindiocese.org/rite-of-election.

March 16: Holy Qurbono (Holy Mass) in the Syro-Malankara Catholic Rite is celebrated every third Sunday of the month at the chapel of St. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish in Pflugerville at 3:30 p.m. The celebrant of the Holy Mass is Father Saji Lukose, associate pastor of St. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish.

March 18-20: Ascension Parish in Bastrop will host a Divine Mercy and the Holy Angels Lenten Mission at 6:30 p.m. each day. Father Peter Prusakiewicz, CSMA (Congregation of St. Michael the Archangel), is a well-traveled international speaker, who for over 20 years has spoken at many conferences, retreats and parish missions all over the world. 

Details: contact Tessy Dorantes (512) 848-4420 or tmdorantes@hotmail.com.

March 19-23: The Father's Heart Silent Retreat will be offered at Eagle’s Wings Retreat Center in Burnet. Young adults are invited to the five-day retreat into silence, prayer and reflection. 

Details online at www.austindiocese.org/tfh.

March 20-23: A Men’s Cursillo weekend will be held at Eagle’s Nest in Burnet. All Cursillistas of the Austin Diocese are encouraged to come to Closura on March 23 at 3 p.m. to welcome our newest Cursillistas. 

If you have someone you want to sponsor for the weekend, contact Greg Ganslen at (254) 466-5136.

March 23-25: A Silent Lenten Retreat will be offered at Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center in Temple. This Lenten retreat is an invitation to embrace silence and the mystery of God’s unique love for you. Father Harry Dean and Brian Egan will lead this retreat with talks, prayers, adoration, confessions and Mass. 

Details online at austindiocese.org/cedarbrake or call (254) 780-2436.

March 25: Join thousands of faithful throughout the Diocese of Austin to collectively make or renew our Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary at Mass on the Annunciation of the Lord. Rosary and Mass will be offered on March 25 at 6 p.m. at St. Mary Cathedral in Austin, at 11:30 a.m. at St. Helen Parish in Georgetown, at 5:30 p.m. at St. Peter Catholic Student Center in Waco, at 5:30 p.m. at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in College Station and at 7 p.m. at St. Paul Parish in Austin.

Details online: TexasToJesusThroughMary.org.

March 29: The Ignatian Way to Discern God’s Will Day Retreat, sponsored by the Mercy of God Prayer Center, will be offered from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Lifehouse at St. Thomas More Parish in Austin. Participants will learn principles of: awareness, understanding, and action; the three voices we listen to (and how to distinguish between them); states of consolation and desolation; and other insights that will help knowing God’s will for your life. 

Details online: mogpc.org/programs (click on Retreats).

March 29: The Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist will host a Teacher/School Administrators' Retreat from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Our Lady of Guadalupe Priory in Georgetown. The day will include Mass, prayer time, presentations, fellowship and Eucharistic adoration. 

Email georgetown@sistersofmary.org if you plan to attend.

March 29-30: A special collection for Catholic Relief Services will be taken up in all parishes. This collection funds organizations dedicated to aiding people affected by war and natural disasters, migrants and refugees in need, and people worldwide whose livelihoods are impacted by changing political and environmental conditions.

April 2: The Woman and the Sword, Our Lady of Sorrows Retreat will be offered at Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center in Temple. During this holy season we turn our attention to the Paschal Mystery — the life, passion, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. The retreat is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and the cost is $50, including lunch. 

Details online at austindiocese.org/cedarbrake or call (254) 780-2436.

April 5: Father Kevin Rai leads Marian Mornings on first Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon at St. Elizabeth Parish in Pflugerville. The morning includes Mass, a teaching, prayer time, silence and time for the sacrament of reconciliation.

April 5: St. John Neumann Parish in Austin hosts a Mass for Vocations followed by a Holy Hour for Vocations at 8:45 a.m. on the first Saturday of each month.

April 5: St. Mary Church of the Assumption in Waco hosts a Mass and Holy Hour for Vocations on the first Saturday of each month at 9 a.m. All are welcome!

April 8-10: Armor of God Catholic Radio is hosting its Spring 2025 Pledge Drive. Tune in to 106.9fm, 93.9fm or 1330am each day from 8-11 a.m. and 3-6 p.m. to hear incredible stories about how Catholic Radio has changed the lives of our friends and family all over Central Texas.

April 11-13: All single women between the ages of 18 and 35 are invited to join the Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary for the Heart of Mary: A Discernment Retreat for Women. The retreat will include time for prayer, spiritual conferences on discernment and vocations, and opportunities to speak with other women discerning their vocation. 

Register at austinvocations.com.

Email entries to Celebrating our Faith to catholic-spirit@austindiocese.org.