Celebrating our faith - November
NOV. 1: Diocesan offices will be closed for All Saints Day, a holy day of obligation.
NOV. 2: Our Lady of the Rosary Cemetery and Prayer Gardens in Georgetown will host an All Souls' Day Celebration. Gather on the sacred grounds, where priests and deacons will be available to bless the families visiting their loved ones interred in the cemetery. Enjoy refreshments and participate in the annual scattering of wildflower seeds.
Details online: olotr.com.
NOV. 9: The third annual Vocation Promoter Workshop will begin at 9 a.m. at St. William Parish in Round Rock. Vocation Ministry Teams from parishes are invited to attend and learn more about promoting the priesthood and religious life.
Details online: austinvocations.com.
NOV. 9: The Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist will host a women's Vocation Discernment Retreat from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Our Lady of Guadalupe Priory in Georgetown. Women ages 16 to 32 are invited to attend. The cost is $20; lunch and dinner will be provided.
Email georgetown@sistersofmary.org if you plan to attend.
NOV. 9: St. Jerome Women’s Society will host the fourth Discover Waco Business and Craft Expo on Nov. 9 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at St. Jerome Parish in Waco in the Mother Teresa Center. There will be more than 60 vendors, unique crafts, door prizes and food trucks. Admission is free. All are welcome and encouraged to invite others!
NOV. 15-17: A Grief Healing Retreat will be presented at Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center in Temple. Coping with and working through grief is the focus of this weekend retreat. Retreatants will identify and reflect on their personal grief symptoms followed by a ritual to help ease the pain of grief and increase positive emotions. Father Harry Dean, along with spiritual directors Clyde Gottschalk and Judy Hoelscher, will lead this retreat. The costs are $295 for a private room, $255 for a shared room and $150 for commuters.
Details: online at austindiocese.org/cedarbrake or call (254) 780-2436.
NOV. 16-17: The special collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development will be taken up in diocesan parishes. This collection supports programs that address the root causes of poverty and provide a sustainable future for those struggling across the country. In addition, 25% of the funds collected remain in the Diocese of Austin to fund local anti-poverty projects.
NOV. 17: Holy Qurbono (Holy Mass) in the Syro Malankara Catholic Rite is celebrated every third Sunday of the month at the chapel of St. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish in Pflugerville at 3:30 p.m. The celebrant of the Holy Mass is Father Saji Lukose, associate pastor of St. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish.
NOV. 28-29: Diocesan offices will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday.
DEC. 6-8: A Silent Advent Retreat will be presented at Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center in Temple. Prepare for the coming of Christ by taking time to ponder in silence the great gift God has given to each of us. This retreat will include two reflections, Mass, adoration and the sacrament of reconciliation. It will be led by Father Harry Dean and Brian Egan. The costs are $295 for a private room, $255 for a shared room and $150 for commuters.
Details: online at austindiocese.org/cedarbrake or call (254) 780-2436.
DEC. 7: The diocesan celebration in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe will begin at 8 a.m. at St. Mary Cathedral in Austin. Participants will process from the Cathedral to San José Parish, where Mass will be celebrated at 10:30 a.m.
Details online: austindiocese.org/olg-celebration.
DEC. 7: The Altar and Rosary Society of St. Joseph Parish in Killeen will host the annual Christmas Bazaar on Dec. 7 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the parish hall. Various committees and vendors will sell crafts, including Christmas décor, baked goods and gifts. The Christmas Café will sell homemade soups. Santa and Mrs. Claus will be available for photos.
DEC. 7-8: The special collection for Retired Clergy and Retired Religious will be taken up in parishes in the diocese. Gifts to this collection help provide housing, medications, nursing care and more for retired priests and religious brothers and sisters.
DEC. 11: An Advent Day Retreat will be presented at Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center in Temple. Beverly Collin will lead this retreat day reflecting on her walk of 118 miles along a portion of the Camino de Santiago in Spain. Participants will reflect on experiences on their way to "Bethlehem" and on the gifts they received from the journey. The cost is $45, which includes lunch.
Details: online at austindiocese.org/cedarbrake or call (254) 780-2436.
DEC. 14: Retiro de Adviento a Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center en Temple. El Adviento es un tiempo que nos recuerda que Cristo está cerca, y también un tiempo que nos recuerda que Cristo siempre viene. Este retiro está diseñado para personas que desean vivir la experiencia de encontrar a un Dios que siempre llega a la vida de quienes lo buscan. No te lo pierdas y te esperamos, porque Dios siempre viene. El retiro será dirigido por la Madre Olga Estrella y la Hermana Lucero Espitia, DJ. El costo es de $40 por persona, incluye almuerzo.
DEC. 18-20: Heart of Jesus, a retreat designed for young men ages 18 to 49, will be offered by the diocesan Vocations Office. This is an opportunity to meet many priests from the diocese, hear their discernment stories, and learn about the priesthood. Time will be spent at Mass and in prayer and adoration. The cost of the retreat is $35.
Register at austinvocations.com.
Email entries to Celebrating our Faith to catholic-spirit@austindiocese.org.
For more events in the diocese, visit austindiocese.org/calendar.