No detail in God’s plan of salvation is coincidental. In the accounts of Jesus’ birth and infancy, a variety of people (and angels, too!) show up on the scene.
St. Barbara understood that being a Christian is a gift worth the sacrifice of everything dear: exterior beauty, family relationships and even life itself.
This month, we’ll discuss how the virtue of temperance can help us overcome the “deadly” (so-called because it gives rise to other vices) sin of gluttony.
The season of Advent is a time of anticipation and preparation as we remember Christ’s first coming and look forward to his second coming at the end of time.
When it was completed in 2002, the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles was an 11-story high modern interpretation of the long tradition of European cathedrals.
The USCCB publishes an annual report with national findings and recommendations related to the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.
This saint earned his “golden-mouthed” surname with his incredible preaching skills, which ultimately led to him falling out of favor with Church and political leaders because he called for reform.